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/ Inside Mac Games Volume 1 / Inside Mac Games Volume 1.iso / 1993 IMG Awards / Myst Demo / Myst Preview / Myst Preview.rsrc / PICT_9131_Credits4.png < prev    next >
Portable Network Graphic  |  1994-03-02  |  16KB  |  430x333  |  8-bit (44 colors)
Labels: crt screen | hakham | monitor | rock | sky | skyscraper | stairs
OCR: Graphics and Construction tools HyperCard Apple Think Pascal" Symantec Photoshop Adobe Premiere Adobe Illustrator Adobe Painte Fractal Design Morph Gryphon Software Music and Sound tools MasterTracks aodsed Proteus MPS Plus E-Mu Pro Tools Audio Interfa Digidesign Sound Designer II Digidesign SoundE dit Pro MacroMedia Additional tools: MacroMedia Infini-D Specular International DeBabelizer Equilibrium Technologies Movie Apple ComboWalker Apple Picture Compresso Apple Convert ToMovic Apple MoviePlayer Apple SoundT oMovie Apple Quicl tim XCMDs Apple Fontographer Altsys Tiled PICS Import/Export filters John Knoll Pascalme Adob Interface Cquilibrium Compressor